Warnings & Dangers in Palau

Palau is a safe country to travel, and tourists rarely encounter any problems here. Follow standard precautions and respect local regulations. Keep track of your belongings and surroundings.

In Palau, there are services for the transport of tourists. You can use licensed local services. They are quite reliable. In general, there is no developed public transport system on the islands.

Although pickpockets are not the biggest problem in Palau, they are sometimes found. Their goal is to rest tourists. Therefore, while on the beach or on an excursion, always monitor your belongings and do not leave bags and wallets unattended.

Palau faces a relatively moderate degree of risk to natural disasters, and mainly experiences tropical storms, drought, and tidal surges. Like other Pacific Island countries, Palau is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, including severe weather events and rising sea levels.

The risk of serious robberies and attacks in Palau is minimal. Keep common sense and behave in the country as you would at home. Respect the local culture and customs, this helps to avoid trouble.

No cases of terrorism are known on the Palau Islands, and the country as a whole is not exposed to this risk. Nevertheless, study the political situation in the country before your visit here and avoid any demonstrations and rallies.

Fraudsters can sometimes be found in Palau; they prey on scattered tourists. Regular common sense will help to avoid any trouble associated with this risk. Do not buy goods and services on the streets of the country.

Palau is a very safe place to travel, and a woman traveling alone does not attract much attention here. Avoid late-night walks, do not stay in bars, and you will remain safe when visiting this country.
How Safe Is Palau for Tourists?
Palau crime rates range from low to medium.
The most common crimes are house robberies, theft, vandalism, and drug trafficking.
In Palau, it is safe enough to walk at any time of the day or night.
But, as elsewhere in the modern world, common sense prevails.
Pedestrians should be careful, as sidewalks are limited, even in the center of Koror.
Follow standard precautions and keep an eye on your belongings and surroundings.
Pickpockets can occur in Palau, and thieves on the beaches will wait until you leave things unattended.
It is impossible to do this.
The constitution prohibits private ownership of firearms.
The pure storage of bullets (used as a necklace or amulet) is punishable by law.
Travelers should be cautious as marine crocodiles live in the mangrove plantations of Palau and can be found anywhere on the island.
They rarely attack people, but you should still avoid meeting them.
Bull sharks are common in coastal waters and estuaries, so you should always be careful when snorkeling or snorkeling.
The inhabitants of Palau are quite hospitable and love to communicate with tourists. Until you disrespect the culture, disrupt historical areas, pollute or in any way harm the ocean, the local atmosphere will be very calm and calm.
Do I Need a Visa to Visit Palau?
All visitors arriving in the Republic of Palau must have a valid passport (for at least six months) and proof of return arrangements. A valid passport is a must.
Which Currency Is Used in Palau?
The country uses the United States dollar as its currency. The United States dollar has a symbol $, code: USD; also abbreviated US$. One dollar is divided into 100 cents and has a symbol: ¢.
How's the Weather like in Palau?
The best time to visit Palau is in the dry season. It runs from November to April, with maximum temperatures of around 32 °C and lows of 27 °C. Humidity is high all year round.
What Do I Need to Know about Airports in Palau?
There are only three airports in Palau. The most basic and the busiest is located near the former capital Koror, just north of Ngetkib, Airai on Babelthuap (Babeldaob) island.
Roman Tmetuchl International Airport, also known as Palau International Airport, is the main airport in Palau. The airport is 6 km from Koror and 25 km from Ngerulmud.
Should I Get Travel Insurance for My Travels?
Just like anywhere else, the travel insurance policy is a must when visiting a foreign country. Make sure you got it before starting your journey, the customs officer may ask for it.
What Are Some Things to Do in Palau?
Palau is an archipelago state in Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean, consisting of more than 500 islands. On the island of Koror is the city of the same name – the former capital and business center of the country. Ngerulmud, the modern capital of Palau, mountains and sandy beaches, is located on the east coast of the more massive Babeltuap island. In the northern part of the island, the ancient basalt megaliths of Badrulhau, standing on grassy fields among palm trees, have been preserved.
Is the Water in Palau Safe to Drink?
You cannot drink tap water in Palau. You can boil it or buy bottled.
Is Uber Safe in Palau?
There is no Uber taxi in Palau because it is a tiny state. Usually, here move on foot.