Warnings & Dangers in India

India is safe enough for travel and is a popular destination for tourists. However, there are some nuances that are worth paying attention to in this country. Avoid street food, drink only bottled water from shops, wear modest clothes if you are a woman, and travel in company, especially late at night.

Public transportation in India is usually in poor condition, crowded, and rarely runs on schedule. It is preferable to travel in a rented car or taxi. Taxis are safe if you use licensed vehicles. And also, do not forget to agree in advance on the price of the trip with the driver.

Pickpockets are a big disaster in India. You can meet them everywhere. Especially in tourist places. Keep this in mind, and always watch your things. Do not carry a lot of cash and jewelry - this attracts pickpockets in the first place. Beware of those who offer or ask for help.

India is exposed to some risks from natural disasters. First of all, these are earthquakes, floods, and severe storms. Check the weather conditions and local authorities' recommendations before you visit this country.

Armed severe attacks and robberies in India are rather rare. Sometimes kidnapping is reported here, although not as often as in other countries. Be vigilant, do not establish close relationships with strangers, do not walk late at night in the suburbs, and are not on the streets at night alone.

The risk of terrorism in India is quite high, as terrorists are persecuting India. In India, anti-Western terrorist groups sometimes operate, including Islamic extremist groups. Be careful and study the political situation in this country before your visit.

The risk of fraud in India is quite high. We can say that tourists are trying to deceive here at every step. Agree on the price of a taxi ride before getting in the car, make sure to buy tourist excursions and tickets only in licensed places. Only withdraw money at ATMs at banks to avoid credit card scamming.

Western women traveling alone in India still attract the unwanted attention of local men. You need to be especially careful in small towns and villages where men are less likely to see tourists and react more to foreign women. Wear modest clothes and try to be in the company of like-minded people to avoid unwanted contacts in India.
How Safe Is India for Tourists?
India is a country with an average crime rate.
The main problems here are related to the theft of things, robberies, pickpockets.
Also, the country has a very high level of bribery and corruption.
India is generally very safe for foreigners.
Violent crimes are rare here.
Small thefts are common in some overpopulated tourist areas.
Most often, these are pickpockets.
If you buy a tour or take a taxi – coordinate all tariffs and payment for services in advance.
Beware of tourist scams.
When traveling by public transport, do not take food or drink.
It may contain substances that cause loss of consciousness.
Violent crimes against women travelers in India are rare, but obviously, foreign women may attract unwanted attention in the form of a gaze or guidance.
This occurs mainly in rural areas or small towns.
In big cities, people are used to seeing foreigners, so you just mix.
Watch your behavior and dress modestly, so you reduce the amount of unwanted attention.
India follows the right driving system.
However, a very irresponsible way of driving is common here, the roads are underdeveloped, and stray cattle walk wherever they want.
All these factors impede movement in India.
Better to travel with a local driver.
Do I Need a Visa to Visit India?
Visitors to India must obtain a visa from an Indian diplomatic mission unless they come from one of the visa-exempt countries or a country whose citizens may obtain a visa on arrival, or an e-Visa online. A valid passport is a must.
Which Currency Is Used in India?
The Indian rupee is the official currency of India. The rupee is subdivided into 100 paise. But though as of 2019, coins of denomination of 1 rupee is the lowest value in use. The Indian rupee has a sign: ₹ and a currency code: INR.
How's the Weather like in India?
The best times to visit India for ideal weather are November to March. Average temperatures in India vary somewhat and the weather feels hot for most of the year with a low chance of precipitation most of the year.
What Do I Need to Know about Airports in India?
In India, there are 123 airports with scheduled commercial flights including some with dual civilian and army use and 34 international airports. The busiest airports are Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport in Mumbai and Kempegowda International Airport Bengaluru in Karnataka.
Should I Get Travel Insurance for My Travels?
Just like anywhere else, the travel insurance policy is a must when visiting a foreign country. Make sure you got it before starting your journey, the customs officer may ask for it.
What Are Some Things to Do in India?
India is a vast country in South Asia with various relief: on its territory, there are both mountain peaks of the Himalayas and the coast of the Indian Ocean. The history of the country has five millennia. Architectural monuments of the Great Mughal era have been preserved in northern India, including the Red Fort and the Jami-Masjid Mosque (Cathedral Mosque) in Delhi and the Taj Mahal mausoleum in Agra. The city of Varanasi is known as a pilgrimage site for Hindus, who bathe in the Ganges, and Rishikesh as a yoga center and a starting point for hiking in the Himalayas.
Is the Water in India Safe to Drink?
Almost 80% of India’s surface water is polluted, and an alarming percentage of groundwater reserves are contaminated by various organic and inorganic pollutants. Tap water is not safe in India. You should only drink bottled water in India.
Is Uber Safe in India?
Uber service is available in India. The fare will depend on the time of day and distance. The cost is deducted immediately from the credit card.